M-KURA is an independent, free(as in Freedom), democratic, egalitarian, decentralized and open gathering of like minded individuals who believe deeply in the above values to the extent of donating their; time, expertise and resources in creating and nurturing systems that hold those values to a point where a critical mass of other like minded individuals join them and make the effort better and stronger without any hope of remuneration or income from their initial input and effort.
In so being, M-KURA is and will be owned and controlled by the current gathering. The gathering is open and egalitarian, so anyone can join and contribute.
The end goal of this gathering is to fix Kenya. The extent of which is not by just fixing the leardership and utilization of the taxes we contribute, we want to go as far as breaking the shackles of colonization by the west and become a truly; Independent, Free, Democratic, Egalitarian, Decentralized and Just society. This is not going to be easy, that is why we have started by giving the sovereign an ability to be Independent, Egalitarian, Decentralized and combine those to excercise their Democracy and Freedom. Afterwards, use all those features and abilities to Fight Injustice. When we use the above features and abilities in our fight againsn't Injustice, we have the best shot at it. Remove one feature or element and your fight gets defective and you get colonized. THIS IS HOW WE FIX KENYA.
To go deep into this vision will take more time than is available here. Read More
Because of the nature of the end goal of all this, the M-KURA Gathering(DAO) will have to uphold and adhere to these values and principles; 1 - Open 2 - Decentralized 3 - Free (Freedom, Permission-less) 4 - Egalitarian 5 - Democratic
M-KURA platform will be open to all users and communities, private or public, but, whenever a group claims to want to FIX KENYA as M-KURA has claimed, they will have to inherit and adhere to the 5 values and principles. If a group accepts this holy contract and updholds and adheres to it to the letter, then they will have a truthful claim in their part in FIXING KENYA and in so establishing, M-KURA will endorse and give them full support and elevate them to a level of a first class community in the M-KURA ecosystem.
So, please, if you don't believe in Democracy, don't even bother interacting with M-KURA, you are an irreedemable fool and we wouldn't want your disease to infect us, so, Get the Fuck Outta Here.
Everyone else, welcome to M-KURA and take those 5 values and principles as your guiding light in all your interactions with M-KURA.
The Future Awaits!